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Road Conditions

The snow has melted in both parking lots. Snowmobiles will have some distance to travel on bare ground before they get to where there is snow, especially on the West side. Snow is melting on the roads and there are moguls to contend with as the groomer can't be used with the current snow depth. Be aware of slushy conditions in the afternoon. (3/17/2016)

New Board Member

Darin Ross, who received the second highest number of votes at the Annual Meeting last September was appointed to the Board. He will serve the remainder of Carl O'Gwin's term after his passing away on January 15th. (2/26/2016)

Annual Meeting - Date Change

The date of the annual meeting of the Upper Weber Property Owners Association was previously mis-stated. The correct date and time is March 21, 2016 at 6:30 P.M. This is a Monday night. (2/26/2016)

Annual Meeting - Upper Weber Property Owners Association

The annual meeting of the Upper Weber Property Owners Association will be held March 21, 2016 at 6:30 P.M. This is a Monday night. There will be representatives there from Summit County,The Sheriff's Department, Fire Warden, Fish and Game and other local agency's to discuss items of interest and answer questions from cabin and property owners in the Canyon. Please plan to attend. The meeting will be held at the County complex, North Building in the County council chambers. The address is 2100 South State, SLC - the building is on the North East corner. (2/12/2016)

Board Member Corl O'Gwin Passed Away

Long time board member Carl O'Gwin passed away at his home on January 15, 2016. We appreciate the many years and hours of service Carl gave to the Pine Mountain community. We give our condolences to his wife Marilyn and their children. Please view his obituary at the following link: Carl O'Gwin (1/15/2016)

©2009 Pine Mountains Water and Management Inc.