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Changes in Garbage Services from Republic Services

We have been notified by the Landfill Superintendent of the following:The Three Mile dump at Wanship will have to be relocated which will cost millions of dollars over several years. Also noted was, Weber Canyon does not have trash carts. We were told that the billing was wrong and should not have said 1 65 gallon cart.There is major confusion within Summit County as to exactly what these charges are for. We are working with the county and will be going to a Summit County meeting in the near future to clarify these changes and charges. If you were billed for a lot only (without a cabin) you do not have to pay the bill. Just note on the bill (no dwelling at this lot number) and return the bill. (1/4/2017)

Safety and Security 1

For your safety and security, we want to make you aware of recent events. Unfortunately, theft and vandalism is increasing everywhere and Pine Mountains is not exempt. During Thanksgiving weekend a green, unmarked UTV cover disappeared from a Polaris Ranger in the parking lot. The week before, a car was broken into. The thieves get into the cars, breaking windows if necessary, and go through every compartment in the car, taking anything valuable. They do not have time to look through bags or boxes, so they take them all and sort them out later. (12/2/2016)

Safety and Security 2

They get your address from your registration, and take any keys or garage door openers so they can access your house later. Please do not keep valuables in your car. Take extra keys with you. Lock your glove box to secure your registration. It is hard to believe that a Pine Mountains home owner would be responsible for these things, since we are all in the same boat here. Therefore, it is more likely that it was a guest or contractor. If you know anything about these events, please contact Mark Memmott at 435.513.2133. Let us all keep watch and report anything unusual. (12/2/2016)

Winter Gates Closing

The gates will be closed for the winter Thursday, December 1st at 9:00 A.M. Please have all vehicles in the lower parking lots to avoid being locked in. Freezing conditions or too much snow accumulation that makes driving unsafe or puts our water lines in danger could cause gate closure to occur sooner. (11/22/2016)

10/24/16 - Notice

1. All members who have trailers in the East and West parking lot area need to move them to the burn pile area, along the outer fence area. The burn pile area will be open for moving of these trailers as soon as the burn pile cools down. Approx., 10/28/2016. Call a Board member if you have questions. 2. We cannot accept any additional dead fall material until next spring. We have been able to obtain a burn permit and the piles are gone for the season. Thanks to all that helped clean their lots and now have some defensible space around their cabins. We will be able to accept approved material again next spring. 3. A reminder that if you have not prepared your cabin for winter, now would be a good time. Very cool nights are already with us. (10/24/2016)

©2009 Pine Mountains Water and Management Inc.